About Us

Our Philosophy

Lane Cove Out of School Hours Inc (LCOOS) is a community based non – profit organisation operating outside of Government School hours. LCOOS operates two Centre’s – Longueville Road and Lane Cove Public School (LCPS). We aim to meet the needs of school aged children within the local community.

We believe that the children of parents/guardians who have work, study or other commitments should be afforded every opportunity to be cared for in a relaxed, safe and secure environment with a friendly, fun and enjoyable atmosphere. LCOOS educators aim to work with children during their development and learning process. We encourage variety and choice to foster individual and group interests, needs and wants to build on skills, talents and abilities in all children.

Educators collaborate with children to provide active play, structured activities, and spontaneous leisure opportunities that are meaningful to children and support their well-being, self-esteem, confidence, learning and development.

We aim to work with children while they construct their own identities and understanding of their world. We emphasis the importance of diversity and support each child’s values, family ideals, beliefs, religion, gender and cultural background in a non-judgmental environment.

Furthermore we believe in creating strong relationships and promoting respect for all things and people. LCOOS support parents and families during their child’s development, in an environment aiming to promote a sense of belonging, being and becoming by following these policies and guidelines which we have set out in this document.

Happy educators = happy centre = happy children = happy parents

To read our philosophy in another language please see below (if your language is not represent please see the centre so we can upload the translation):

LCOOS - Before and After School Care

Our Identity


1. Supportive learning that is responsive to our children’s activities & interests.

2. Collaboration with families & the community to enhance children’s development & wellbeing.

3. Meaningful relationships with educators that are respectful & ethical and ensure children’s safety & wellbeing.